Our Strategy
Management Process
Identify strategic issues to address
Identify market opportunities and threats
Assess Current satisfaction and future demand.
Determine strengths and weaknesses.
Synthesize the data into summary SWOT items.
Determine your organization's core purpose.
identify your core beliefs.
Create an image of what success looks like in 5 years.
Solidify your unique position
Wide Strategies: Establish the approach for how you will succeed
Develop a 3 year balanced framework of 6 or less objectives.
Develop a 3-year financial projection.
Process the SWOT to set priorities.
Set short - to-mid-term SMART goals. (1+ yr.)
Select key performance indicators to track progress.
Cascade org goals to departments. (12 months)
Cascade dept. goals to individuals.
Align a one-year budget with the plan
Communicate strategy to whole organization
Establish schedule for progress reviews
Train team to use MyStrategic Plan
Hold progress reviews and modify Me
Review end of year, plan next year.