Strategic Issues:

Identify strategic issues to address

Industry & Market Data:

Identify market opportunities and threats

Customer Insights:

Assess Current satisfaction and future demand.

Employee Input:

Determine strengths and weaknesses.


Synthesize the data into summary SWOT items.


Determine your organization's core purpose.


identify your core beliefs.


Create an image of what success looks like in 5 years.

Competitive Advantages:

Solidify your unique position


Wide Strategies: Establish the approach for how you will succeed

Long-Term Objectives:

Develop a 3 year balanced framework of 6 or less objectives.


Develop a 3-year financial projection.


Process the SWOT to set priorities.

Organizational Goals:

Set short - to-mid-term SMART goals. (1+ yr.)


Select key performance indicators to track progress.

Department Goals:

Cascade org goals to departments. (12 months)

Team Member Goals:

Cascade dept. goals to individuals.


Align a one-year budget with the plan


Communicate strategy to whole organization

Set Calendar:

Establish schedule for progress reviews

Leverage Tools:

Train team to use MyStrategic Plan

Adapt Quarterly:

Hold progress reviews and modify Me

Update Annually:

Review end of year, plan next year.

Introducing our Gmail Email template for a Company Strategy Management Flowchart, designed to streamline your strategic planning process and enhance communication across your organization.

This dynamic and visually appealing template allows you to present your company's strategy management flowchart directly within Gmail emails. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily customize and share your flowchart with team members, stakeholders, and decision-makers, enabling everyone to stay aligned with the company's strategic goals.

Our Gmail Email template offers a comprehensive and organized layout for presenting complex strategic concepts in a clear and digestible manner. Visual elements and intuitive design ensure that your flowchart is easy to follow, making it an effective tool for conveying your company's strategic roadmap and priorities.

Collaborate seamlessly with team members through Google Docs integration, allowing real-time editing and feedback to refine your strategy management flowchart. Whether it's outlining objectives, defining key performance indicators (KPIs), or depicting action plans, this template empowers your team to work together efficiently and effectively.

As the template is optimized for mobile devices, you can access and review the strategy management flowchart from anywhere, ensuring continuous alignment and responsiveness to changing business needs.

Upgrade your company's strategy management process with our Gmail Email template today. Empower your team to create, share, and communicate strategic plans effortlessly, fostering a culture of transparency, collaboration, and success.

Streamline your strategy management and communication with our Gmail Email template for a Company Strategy Management Flowchart. Transform the way your organization plans and executes its strategic initiatives, leading to increased efficiency and alignment across all levels.
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